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White Wooly Bugger

White Wooly Bugger

Regular price $1.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $1.75 USD
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The Bead Head White Woolly Bugger is a must-have fly for any serious angler. With its bright white coloration, lifelike movement, and added weight from the bead head, this fly is perfect for imitating baitfish, shad, and even aquatic worms. The bead head helps the fly sink quickly into the strike zone, making it effective in both fast-moving currents and still waters. Whether you’re stripping it through deep pools, swinging it in a river, or using it in a euro nymphing setup, this fly attracts aggressive strikes from trout, bass, and other freshwater predators.


Proven fish magnet that consistently catches trout, bass, and other freshwater species

Bead head design provides extra weight for a natural sinking action and better depth control

Soft marabou tail and palmered hackle create lifelike movement, mimicking natural prey

Versatile fishing methods allow it to be stripped, dead drifted, or swung in various conditions

Durable construction using high-quality materials ensures longevity and multiple catches

Available in multiple sizes to adapt to different water conditions and target species


A staple in every angler’s fly box, the Bead Head White Woolly Bugger is a go-to pattern for year-round success.

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